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Frank Cota • April 21, 2022

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Age doesn't always bring wisdom. Sometimes age comes alone."-This quote from Garrison Keillor seems most especially true in the area of politics.  As I watch senate hearings, special sessions of congress, and debates, it seems that no matter the age of the person speaking, the responses appear more aligned with a juvenile response like, "Mom, John's touching me!!!!" than a well thought out, well-articulated statement.  The general sense I get is, "The louder the better", no matter the content (or lack thereof).

Henry Ward Beecher once said that " “Ignorant [people] are like bombs… and it is not safe to have ignorant [people], for an ignorant [person] is an animal, and the stronger [their] passion and the feebler [their] conscience and intellect the more dangerous [they] are ." 

I believe passion without thought and intellect is a "bomb" waiting to go off and creates divisive environments. This is most especially true for leaders. Words, as has often been said, matter, and the messages of leaders echo throughout the nation and resonate with people in different ways. If leadership is influence, then how are the words of the nation's leaders influencing constituents?  It seems that leaders feel free to "cough" out "word viruses" and see whom they might "infect", as opposed to engaging in prudence and sharing thoughts to see how they might positively IMPACT, influence, and resolve. I believe incumbent on leaders to sue focus, discipline, and ensure their words and actions are best supporting the greater good. In John Maxwell's book, "Developing The Leaders Around You ", he states, "Great leaders always have self-discipline, without exception. Unfortunately, our society seeks instant gratification rather than self-discipline. We want instant breakfast fast food, movies on demand, and quick cash from ATMs. But success doesn't come instantly. Neither does the ability to lead. As general Dwight D. Eisenhower said, ‘There are no victories at bargain prices.’” Our leaders will find no solutions at the "Dollar Store for Dullards" they seem to be "shopping" their ideas from. 

John Maxwell has said that good leaders act as thermostats and NOT thermometers, for good leaders set the environment, as opposed to reacting to it. What I see by many politicians grandstanding on television is NOT creating the right environment but a divisive one. An agenda more set on being right that finding resolution. I think these politicians serve as a giant "turkey thermometer" popping up from the turkey whether the turkey is "done" or not…Politicians are in the role of making policy, however, they seem to serve more as "bombs of ignorance" than ambassadors of benediction…


Sydney J. Harris succinctly stated that "information is giving out, while communication is getting through." What I see is a lot of "giving" and no getting through…Especially when it comes to working to unify with the nation.

If age comes alone without wisdom, I am not sure that one is best suited to serve. Ideally, with time, wisdom is forced upon you whether you like it or not, the question of harnessing that wisdom is another story altogether.  If you are leading, I believe your legal, ethical, and moral responsibility must include educating yourself to best represent your constituents your state, and your country. I see so much buffoonery and bravado, and little compassion and caring in political discussions. Discourse devolving to disparagement is little more than childish antics ill-suited for leading and representing people. 

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